Monday, March 2, 2009

Naynay's first testimony!

About a month ago during testimony meeting at church Naynay was intrigued by all the people getting up.  He really wanted to get up.  So two weeks ago for Family Home Evening we talked about what a testimony was and then practiced.  First mommy then daddy.  Naynay then took his turn and did pretty well.  Well, the following Sunday, last week, Naynay was ready for his turn.  As soon as the meeting started he was up and out of his chair and up on the stand.  He sat very reverently while waiting for others.  When his turn came he hesitated for one moment, was given one prompting by dad, and then said "I would like to bear my testimony.  Be nice to others.  Be reverent.  In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.".  It was wonderful!!!  What a sweet little spirit!  I love you, Bug and am so grateful that you know that Jesus love you!