Did you notice the date? Yeah, I’m a year behind. Better late than never, right?!!
So at the end of last summer we did our usual 3 week long trip to Utah. It was full of lots of fun friends, activities, and food, but for some reason I didn’t get very many pictures. Maybe they are all on my dad’s camera…hint, hint!
Anyway, it’s not a trip to Utah without helping Grandpa water the lawn! It’s like being a real firefighter and if you’re fast enough you even get to spray Grandpa! FeFe knows this but is also smart enough to know that Grandpa will return the favor if he gets the chance so every time he showed up she ran for cover!
We were also lucky enough to be there for the annual Box Elder County Fair! What an adventure! It sure took me back to my time of 4-H baking and sewing! Weird considering I don’t bake or sew anything now. The kids loved seeing all the chickens, pigs, horses, cows and sheep. They ended the day dancing in a pavilion set up for concerts! Lots of fun and lots of tired kids!
Mamu and I did some fun shopping while eating delicious treats. We made sure to protect our eyes from those harmful UV rays. It sure is bright in Utah!
We ended our trip to Grandma and Grandpa’s by going to see them at work! They do say you shrink when you get older, crazy how fast life happens!
Looking good Grandma and Grandpa!!
We did have one other fun adventure that I have no pictures to show. NayNay and Grandpa decided to go on their first official hike. The trail they chose starts at Tony’s Grove and winds it’s way up and then back into White Pine. They then had to come back out. Total miles: 9. It definitely wasn’t easy for NayNay and many times he decided he was done and was just going to wait, but in the end he hiked the full 9 miles all by himself! He is so proud of that hike that even now, a year later, he boasts about it! Good job Bug!
After hanging with Grandma and Grandpa’s for awhile, we headed down to visit Mana and Papa. First we stopped to enjoy Uncle Punks fancy pool! The kids LOVED it!
But, my poor Northwest babies, they can’t take direct sunlight for too long!
We headed to the Zoo with Mana, Aunt Emily and Fe! I love the lion drinking fountains!
And then headed to the mountains! FeFe’s memory of this was that Papa found a dead bunny and she is sure he was the one that killed it. He adamantly denies this, but she doesn’t believe him! NayNay received a special gift from Papa, his very own fly fishing rod, made just for him by Papa!! He loved it and spent hours at the river!
Best Buddies!
Needless to say, we ended our vacation at a BYU football game, on a very hot, Saturday evening. NayNay was able to stay awake the whole game, an improvement from last year, and really enjoyed hanging out with Mana!
Thank you Grandma and Grandpa and Mana and Papa for such a wonderful vacation! We can’t wait to visit again!