Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hello Epipen

on Sunday just before church I gave the kids each a bowl of fruit.  When they were done, they saw daddy's cereal on the counter and asked for some so I gave them each one (count it - 1) piece of Captain Crunch Peanut Butter Cereal.  Five minutes later FeFe throws up.  I already had my suspicions that she she didn't much care for peanut butter because she always spit it out and made a horrible face when I tried to feed it to her but I just thought she didn't like it due to lack of exposure.  So that is why I had continued to feed it to her.  Today we went to the pediatrician and upon hearing the story she states "We'll need to get you an epipen.".  No wondering or convincing the doctor that testing was needed.  Just "Here's your prescription, if you use it call 911".  How crazy.  So I need to schedule an appointment with an allergist to see how severe the allergy is.  And I was really hoping for some fun picnics this summer with peanut butter sandwiches.  Oh well.


satcy said...

I feel your pain. I am SO SORRY! I have two kids with the same allergy. If you weren't a label reader before, you will be now. Good luck and safe eating!

Zappe Family said...

Glad you got it figured out...even though it's a bummer!