Friday, June 11, 2010

Party like it's 1993?

In recognition of Curtice's 35th birthday (we didn't celebrate his 30th due to the arrival of Bug into our lives!) I threw him a totally awesome 90's bash!! I thought for sure he would know what was going on but he had no idea! Yep, I'm sneaky!! This is him arriving home from work to find a house full of people!
**Notice his lunch bag in his hand.
As part of the party, everyone was SUPPOSE to dress up in 90's grunge. To my surprise, no one got the memo -- either that or all our friends are lamo (yeah you heard me, you're all lamos!!).
We had all Curtice's favorite things from the 90's! Movie: Dumb and Dumber; Video Game: Contra on an old school Nintendo; Food: chips, more chips with dip, meat balls, mountain dew, and cheese cake. This was what FeFe looked like when she realized she couldn't have any cheesecake because of nuts.
It was a totally tubular party that rocked all night! Thank you to everyone who made the surprise and the night a blast!! And happy 35th birthday Hottie! I love you even though you're old!

1 comment:

Danielle Weathers said...

Love the new do Marykai!!! ;-) Looks like he was definitely surprised. What a fun wife you are!